Booth Wood access to Garendon Park

The requirement for these paths come from Planning Condition 26 of the main planning consent to P/14/1833/2 which reads:
Condition 26: Pedestrian / cycle links Prior to the occupation of any dwelling details of the pedestrian/cycle links between the development and Booth Wood & Ravensthorpe Drive, including implementation timetable, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The links shall be provided in accordance with the approved detail.
REASON: To ensure that there is adequate permeability from the site to surrounding residential areas to encourage sustainable modes of transport.

The technical drawings below show how the R5 footpath (in green) links with the Booth Wood at the NE (Obelisk) end of the wood. The thin purple line along the College Playing field is Obelisk Way. This section belongs to Persimmon and links Rowbank Way to Prestbury Road in Thorpe acre on the right. It will shortly reach the Obelisk itself as it drops down to the left.
The purple path is Back Lane. The land between the 100 Acre field and Back Lane is labeled "Informal Open Space".

The link to Ravensthorpe Drive was originally supposed to be next to the flats but is now on the other side of Leighton Ave, as illustrated below. For further details see Ravensthorpe/Leighton access

Although the Condition that the links to Garendon Park should be pedestrian/cycle links, the cycle element was dropped because of the topology.
The Implementation of the whole sceme was required "at the same time as recreational route R5" which was to be delivered within 18 months of first occupation in accordance with Public Access Plan 5 (1005- L214D)

The legend says that the pedestrian link from R5 to Obelisk Way as routed past the Obelisk, is 2.5m wide and of colour: brown,
A series of woodland style steps to be incorporated along route due to existing topography gradient. it is to be timber-edged self binding gravel, colourd buff.

The pedestrian link to Ravensthorpe Drive / Leighton Avenue. Timber edged self binding gravel, colour: brown, 2.5m wide
e The land to left is retained as Arable Farmland, commonly called the 100 Acre Field.

Abandoned railway line to be improved. Scheme implemented prior to 1,000 completed dwellings (Sch 4 para 5)

For the detail of the detail see: Ref P/22/0107/2 on Charnwood's Planning Search (tip: Click radio button "Received any time")

Booth Wood R5a Booth Wood R5b

See also
About Garendon Park Development
# other Garendon links.

Last updated August 2024