Garendon Country Park Heritage

A Conservation Management Plan was published in June 2014. and submitted to the planning authority by Wm Davis and Persimmon Homes
You can access all the documents relating to this on the Borough Council's site using the Planning Explorer/Search instructions. Search for P/14/1833/2 with date received 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2015

If you set 50 documents per screen here are 10 screens to search but they should be early and before Correspondence.
They will all be prefixed "Supporting Information" and relating to the "Garendon Conservation Management Plan" .

More images in the Gazetteer:
  • Conservation Management Plan Gazetteer Part 1
  • Conservation Management Plan Gazetteer Part 2
Note: A copyright applies to many images.

While you are accessing these large files you may also glance at the Design & Access Statement. The Design and Access Statement is in four parts and provides much useful information.

The Conservation Management Plan includes this Action Plan:
1. Ensure security of the registered park and take steps to reduce unauthorised access and vandalism to the park its assets 1, 2 Immediate
2. Prepare a management plan for the registered park and incorporate into an updated Conservation Management Plan1, 3Short term
3. Prepare a schedule of maintenance for the structures of the registered park1, 4, 5, 8Short term
4. Produce a Biodiversity Management Plan for the registered park17, 18Short term
5. Repairs to the listed buildings in the park should be given priority and undertaken by qualified personnel after receiving relevant consents. This should be costed and funds raised to prevent further decline of structures at risk.1, 4, 5, 6, 16Short to medium term
6. Produce a landscape master plan regarding the reinstatement of a designed landscape at the registered park1, 5, 7Medium term
7. Creation of guidelines for the appropriate investigation for badgers, bats and birds within the registered park prior to works 17, 20 Medium term
8. Make informed decisions about appropriate new development within the registered park. This would be within the planning process and subject to the normal consultations1, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20Medium term
9. Make informed decisions about appropriate new development within the setting of the registered park. This would be within the planning process and subject to the normal consultations.1, 11Medium term
10. Create an outline structure for works that may require archaeological excavation or a watching brief1, 9Medium term
11. Create a Farmland Management Strategy17, 19Medium term
12. Prepare a Visitor Management Plan12, 13, 14, 15Medium to long term
13. Create clear guidelines on accessibility to and within the registered park.12, 13Medium to long term
14. Creation of a central archive for relevant information regarding the registered park.1, 21Long term

You can also read an Appraisal of Heritage Assets by the local planning authority (but you'll have to find it!)

Before each monument is restored it needs "Listed Building Consent". You can see this by searching Planning Explorer for "Obelisk". Since there arent many obelisks in Charnwood you will quickly find the one you want!

Other planning applications relating to the development can be found on Charnwood's. website.

For other links see here

Friends of Garendon Park: Updated Aug 2024