Friends of Garendon Park

Our vision is that Garendon Park becomes one of the finest designed landscapes in the county, taking note of Stowe, Ilam Country Park and Holkham Hall Park in Norfolk. Restoration was promised by the Borough Council when they gave planning permission for housing in the vicinity. This included public access as part of the planning permit. The work has already begun by Persimmon Homes.

Not surprisingly there are some cross currents and many detailed decisions still to be made. We now have the opportunity to see that we acheive a high quality environment and that details aren't forgotten. There are opportunities to volunteer, particularly checking on wildife and making sure the developers stick to biodiversity plans. .

To join "the Friends" just complete the Friends of Garendon Park Contact Form and we'll keep you in touch. There is no subscription to pay.

Temple of Venus

More about the Friends of Garendon Park

The Friends of Garendon Park are devoted to improving.
  • History and Gardens
  • Wildlife and Forestry
  • Access and disability
  • Activities for Families and Schools
  • Welcoming New residents
  • Managing Visitors and Parking
  • Walking and Cycling tours
Please let us know what you would like to see We welcome all residents and visitors. For those who wish to join the Friends you can join walks, write letters, check tree felling, open up new walks, protect areas of precious wildlife, report vandalism and so on. Or you can simply keep abreast of new developments by receiving news bulletins.
Illustrative Masterplan
See also
About Garendon Country Park
Heritage Links
Garendon Park History
Many other Garendon Links
Friends of Garendon Park Constitution

Please note the GPCPG campaign is no longer active following Charnwood Council's granting of outline planning permission in Sept 2015.

© November 2024, Friends of Garendon Park, c/o 58 William St, Loughborough. LE11 3BZ