How to report Smells or Discoloured Emissions |
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To report immediate concerns phone Encyclis on 03331 887802
Then, if you are sure it is a odorous or discoloured emission appearing to come from the plant:
The Borough Council Environmental Health do not have access to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System operated by Encyclis and therefore cannot review live data to establish whether there are any issues with the plant. However, you can contact their the pollution team with reports on or complete their online form as this allows them to review their local air quality data to determine whether there is any correlation between emissions and air quality.
Look out for Community news from Encyclis
How the emissions are checked and reported:
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The application was refused by Leics County Council largely on landscaping grounds and spoiling the outlook to the forest from Garendon Park.
Biffa appealed.
Working with other residents and experts, I put the case against the application to the appeal in 2011.
We lost when Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, the Secretary of State at the time, allowed the application.
The County Council is the lead authority for waste planning and disposal and describe their policy towards waste disposal as 'technology neutral'. In February 2020 Biffa announced that they were ready to push the project forward together with Covanta (now named Encyclis), who would operate the plant. At this stage there is little opportunity to pursue the planning route and the Environment Agency have issued a Permit for Emissions. The task now it to mitigate the effects of the plant upon the community as far as possible. This includes close observance to emissions, following the latest research on airborne particulates (PM2.5), independent testing air quality, following monitoring reports when it becomes active, observing traffic limits, meeting Health and Safety standards and other legislation. More about the plantPlants of this character are designed to be continuously fed with waste which creates heat energy, hence the use of the term EfW (Energy from Waste) which the industry prefers to the term 'incinerator'. We do not know how much or who will benefit from the energy output. Nor do we know the expected CO2 and other greenhouse gases which will be emitted and the smaller particulates (PM2.5). Due to the proximity of the plant to residential housing, and in the light the climate change emergency this is critical. The company and the County Council administration say that EfW is better than landfill which generates greenhouse gases. Landfill is now heavily taxed, carbon taxes may well rise in the future if climate change is to be arrested.I am grateful to the work of all those who have taken an interest in this and especially the recent work of LAQPG. Announcements Hitachi Zosen Inova to build Energy from Waste Plant for Covanta, Biffa and the Investment Group. Company boasts "the new turnkey plant will be one of the most energy-efficient Energy from Waste facilities in the world at 33% efficiency". Covanta Construction letter On 15th June 2020, Hitachi Zosen Inova HZI starts mobilisation activities at the Newhurst site, which will see initial ground preparation works commence. See also Press for Investors 11 Feb 2020 Discussion on problems with Incineraton on YouTube includimg Georgia Elliot-Smith leader of the legal challenge that incineration contravenes the Paris Agreement on carbon and Greenhouse gas emissions. Planning Controls
The main planning permissions are found on on Leicestershire County Council's website. The main permit is in:
There is a full chronology of the planning applications below.
This is the Section 106 Agreement of the above application.
The County Council's refusal went to
Appeal. Reference: APP/M2460/A/11/2150748. A further scoping planning application 2014/PAEIASco/0091/L requested a revision of the plant replacing the original two process lines with a single process line increasing throughput from 300,000 to 350,000tpa. Besides increasing the capacity of the plant it is said to generate up to 33MW. To check out high level waste planning policies: Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2019-2031. To find related planning matters: Search planning applications
Are there any Conditions or S106 Measures that have yet to be met? Planning History and related documents
2007/1987/02 2009/2497/02 2011/1119/02 However, the Newhurst Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) was eventually determined by Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State, on 28th June
2012. The reference for this is different as it wasn't determined by LCC.
(appeal reference: APP/M2460/A/11/2150748).
2019/VOCEIA/0292/LCC This application was reported to committee on 21st May 2020, where Members resolved to grant planning permission subject to the completion of an updated legal agreement. The S106 legal agreement is in the process of being finalised, so the decision notice has not yet been issued. This application has a different reference code because it creates a new planning permission. See the Committee Report.
All of the planning conditions are in the committee papers in the links above. All of the documents (location plan, drawings etc) that have been made public can be found by entering the reference code for each of the permissions that I have put above. The reference code needs to be exact otherwise it won't come up. If there has been any further information submitted after an application has been approved the application will be the very final search result (often there can be multiple pages of search results). Air Quality and monitoring
This was implemented by the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations in 2013. The emission limits largely stayed the same as previously. However, emission limits are now also subject to the best available techniques associated emissions limits (BAT-AELs) published in the Waste Incineration BAT Conclusions document - see New EU Environmental Standards Waste Incineration and following links.
BS EN 15267-3 specifies the performance criteria and test procedures for automated measuring systems in this case.
The impacts of air emissions were re-assessed as part of the variation in 2019. This was done using Biffa's
Air Emissions Risk Assessment prepared in May 2018.
The assessment of odour is subjective as there is no prescribed standard that is applied. An authorised officer will use their experience and judgement to determine whether an odour is giving, or is likely to give, rise to pollution, and pollution includes offence to the senses and loss of amenity. a second opinion it sought when it isn't a clear breach of the permit or before serious action. Other relevant sources: Environment Agency Reporting Incineration Activities Guidance Note Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) May 2019, a chapter presenting a comprehensive assessment of the air quality and health related issues pertinent to Leicestershire and make recommendations on actions. Air Quality Management Areas and other air pollution policies by Charnwood's Environmental Health team. Government's Air Quality Strategy as described by Leics County Council in June 2019. Waste incineration facilities House of Commons Briefing Paper, Feb 2020.
At this stage, do we have sufficient base data? What do we need?
The North West Leics DC (August 2020): Audit of Local Air Quality Management reported As concentrations of nitrogen dioxide reduce, the focus of air quality work in the UK is likely to turn to Particulate Matter (PM) which is less locally controllable, but is a more important metric in relation to health effects. Particulate matter is different from the gaseous pollutants in that it is not a clearly defined chemical compound. It can be expressed in a number of ways, by size, composition, origin or other metrics. PM10 and PM2.5 are the most commonly used units. (note: PM10, or course particles are particles that are less than 10 microns (µm) in diameter. PM2.5, or fine particles, are particles that are less than 2.5 microns in diameter.) In relation to PM, further collaborative work with LCC Public Health is likely, which could be undertaken at local authority level or collaboratively with other local authorities in Leicestershire. The work may involve assessing background concentrations of PM2.5, or population weighted concentrations (note: One way of estimating exposure for the population as a whole), and implementing measures to both reduce exposure to PM and reduce overall concentrations of PM2.5. .
Waste Disposal & Recycling In Leicestershire the District Councils are responsible for collecting household waste, recycling and composting. The County Council is responsible for treatment and disposal of household waste and also operates 'bring' sites called Household Recycling Sites to receive recycling and other waste. The objective to reduce greenhouse gases and climate change requires us to reuse rather than dispose, to recycle rather than incinerate and to use landfill as little as possible. This is called the waste hierarchy and it will be important to ensure incineration doesn't eat inti the recycling and reuse. This is particularly important for organic waste for which reduction and other treatments apply. Current rates are
110,163 tonnes Landfilled 141,519 tonnes Recycled or Composted Leics County Council is currently engaged in a procurement for managing 106,000 tonnes of residual waste per annum to commence from 2023 or earlier until at least 2031.
The EU policy known as the Circular Economy Package has introduced a common target to reach 65% recycling rates for municipal waste
and a binding target to reduce landfilled municipal waste to a maximum of 10%. Unfortunately the deadline is as late as 2035. What measures are in progress to increase recycling from Leicestershire Districts, Boroughs and County.? Testing and Operation of the Plant The issues are likely to be Road Traffic Management, Quality and character of the fuel (ie composition of waste input) and generation of power output.
In terms of furnace temperature, the operator has to be able to demonstrate that the combustion conditions within the furnace maintain
the gas temperature above 850 deg-C for at least 2 seconds under different load conditions.
Pre-operational condition PO5 requires modelling work to be undertaken and submitted to us to show that in
theory the design can achieve these requirements. Pre-op condition PO6 requires the operator to propose a methodology to verify it.
Improvement condition IC6 requires the operator to undertake testing to the agreed methodology.
What guarantees can HZI give that the bad experiences in Dublin and Sinfin won't be repeated? Other related matters The UK Environment Bill.
This currently going through Parliament and sets out four priority areas: air quality, waste and resource efficiency, water and nature.
It sets out a framework for standards on key pollutants. The new standards on air quality along with those on the other three priority areas
will be set in October 2022. It will also amend the Environmental Protection Act with regards to providing recycling and food waste collection.
Devolved administrations will also be looking at standards in their juisdictions, such as A Circular Economy Strategy from Welsh Government See Use of Carbon Capture and StorageCarbon emissions on Latest Carbon Capture Technology What targets will be set for Particulates and other pollutants by October 2022? Links: Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants Covanta Community Engagement Shepshed Town Council UK Campaign against Incinerators (not fully up to date) Loughborough Air Quality Protection Group Shepshed Against Incinerator Group (SAIG) (not currently active) SAIG Facebook pages Charnwood Against Incinerator (CHAIn) (not currently active) Resources.Co magazine on waste as a resource
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